5 Ways to Make Tax Season Less Stressful


Know your deductions so you don’t miss out on saving money. Think website services, marketing, photo shoots, and bookkeeping services. Don’t forget travel, subscriptions, web hosting and many other things that can go unnoticed.


Know your numbers. We say it often but having your books organized and up-to-date lifts the burden not just during tax time but year-round.


Have a good CPA lined up that you can hand off your prepared books to (an industry-specific bookkeeper is helpful + never have your CPA as your bookkeeper, too). Keep these two things separate.

Separate Accounts

Separate your business from your personal account. This cuts out so much confusion and missing out on deductions.

Quarterly Estimate Taxes

Have a bank account for taxes and stay on top of your quarterly estimated tax payments so you don’t have to pay it all at once at the end of year (when you may not have the cash).